Monthly Archives: February 2023

ChatGPT to replace translators More

Will ChatGPT Replace Translators?

Explore the impact of AI on language services, particularly the use of ChatGPT in the translation industry. This article provides a reality check on the capabilities of machine translation, how it compares to current technology, and whether it can replicate all the functions of a translation agency. It concludes with the future of the industry and how businesses can make the most of AI without sacrificing quality or privacy.

beware the fake More

Beware The Fake Translator

Beware of fake translators on freelance platforms. Learn how to protect yourself from grammatical errors, unnatural phrasing, cultural inaccuracies and more by checking credentials, membership in professional associations, and samples of previous work. Evaluate the experience, credentials and expertise of the translator to ensure quality and avoid wasting time and money.

Google saves the day More

When Google Translate Saves the Day

Explore the pros and cons of using Google Translate in different scenarios, from critical emergencies to low-stakes conversations. Learn when it’s appropriate to rely on the tool and when professional translation is necessary to ensure accurate communication. Contact TransForma for expert language services.

translation fail More

BMW Showcases AI Translation Fails for Lunar New Year Campaign

Discover how BMW’s 2023 Lunar New Year campaign in China showcases the hilarious side of AI translation fails. The commercial created by TBWA\Juice Beijing and TBWA\BOLT Shanghai highlights the importance of accuracy in translation and how a robust QA process can avoid costly mistakes. Read on to learn more about this amusing ad and the three common business translation mistakes to avoid.