Google Translate has its Uses

Google Translate isn’t always bad. As a tool, it has its place, and the world is certainly better off because it exists. It’s not a substitute for professional translation, but when that’s not available, it can quite literally be a lifesaver. 

For example, Google Translate almost certainly saved the lives of two hikers in Taipei earlier this month, according to Taiwan News.  

The Indonesian couple were hiking on Qilai Mountain when the weather took a turn for the worse. It slowed their descent from the top of the mountain, and they decided to set up camp at the trailhead. 

Then, the mercury started to drop… and it kept dropping. The temperature outside got down to about 2.9 degrees Celsius, just a bit above freezing. Hypothermia can set in at 10 degrees Celsius if you’re undressed, wet, or underprepared. 

The couple had a tent, but clearly did not have the right clothes or gear for the unexpected cold spell. They called the local police around midnight… but the local police didn’t speak Indonesian and the couple didn’t speak Chinese. 

Language Barriers Turn Potentially Deadly

The couple gave up on trying to tell the police their location. Fortunately, the police did not give up. They went out to search for the couple. That’s when Google Translate saved the day

When they failed to find the couple around Songsyue Lodge, they called with one phone while having Google Translate read out, “Are you at the trailhead of Qilai Mountain?” in Indonesian on another phone. The couple quickly responded “yes,” which finally helped the police locate and rescue them.

When Is Google Translate The Right Choice?

Google Translate is a good choice for certain critical situations  when time is of the essence and a professional translator or interpreter is not available. In the situation described above, if the police had waited for a professional interpreter, the couple might not have survived. 

With that said, even in an emergency situation, professional help is preferred when possible because it reduces the chance of errors. In the United States, for example, the police would probably have had access to over-the-phone interpretation. If that’s not possible, Google Translate (and similar tools) are good backup options. 

Google Translate can also be a helpful (but imperfect) solution for low-stakes conversations. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense to hire an interpreter or a translator. Nobody’s life, limb or business is on the line, and misunderstandings aren’t going to turn into tragedies. 

Google Translate is not suitable for: 

  • Medical situations, when errors can cause life-threatening consequences. 
  • Marketing, where getting your message across clearly really matters. 
  • Legal situations and contracts, where having a single word out of place can change everything. 

When every word has to be the right word, you need a professional language partner. At TransForma, we partner with experienced linguists to ensure consistent quality, and we pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with clients.  

Ready to get started? Contact us today!